Hogwarts Legacy walkthrough, tips, guides, more

Get an overview of all the tips you need with our Hogwarts Legacy walkthrough with guides and articles to help you during your time in Hogwarts

Hogwarts Legacy Walkthrough: A person can be seen

Our Hogwarts Legacy walkthrough is a vital article filled with useful information and tips to help you through the length adventure Avalanche have put together. Whether you are just looking to get caught up on what the game is or are dozens of hours into your playthrough, there is a lot for you to get your head around.

So, to help you out we have put every article and guide from us here, allowing you to use this page as a hub for anything you might need while playing. And, after all understanding the game better might mean it makes it onto your list of the best PS5 RPGs or best Xbox RPGs.

Hogwarts Legacy walkthrough

This Hogwarts Legacy walkthrough is split into many sections covering information about the game, gameplay tips, collectible guides, and more.

Below is the full list of guides and tips from us:

Hogwarts Legacy Walkthrough: A student can be seen in front of Hogwarts

Hogwarts Legacy general information

Hogwarts Legacy Walkthrough: A teacher can be seen teaching students

Hogwarts Legacy gameplay details and guides

Hogwarts Legacy Walkthrough: Hogwarts can be seen

Hogwarts Legacy Hogwarts tips and guides

Hogwarts Legacy Walkthrough: Hogsmeade can be seen

Hogwarts Legacy Hogsmeade tips and guides

Hogwarts Legacy Walkthrough: A student can be seen blocking an attack

Hogwarts Legacy combat tips and guides

Hogwarts Legacy Walkthrough: A student can be seen

Hogwarts Legacy quest guides

Hogwarts Legacy Walkthrough: A student can be seen casting Lumos

Hogwarts Legacy gear and item locations

Hogwarts Legacy Walkthrough: A Griphorn can be seen

Hogwarts Legacy ingredients, Crafting, and Beasts

Hogwarts Legacy Walkthrough: A player can be seen with a broom

Hogwarts Leagcy collectibles and challenges

That covers everything you need to know and all the tips for the game. With this Hogwarts Legacy walkthrough, you can begin your journey and fully do everything there is to do in Hogwarts. Check out our Hogwarts Legacy review if you are still on the fence about buying the game.

Hogwarts Legacy has drawn considerable criticism during its development, largely due to the fact that the creator of the Harry Potter series, J.K. Rowling, has made a number of transphobic remarks on social media in recent years.

While Avalanche has confirmed that J.K. Rowling is not “directly involved” in the development of Hogwarts Legacy, it is working with “her team” and Portkey Games, a Warner Bros. label dedicated to launching new experiences inspired by J.K. Rowling’s original stories. It is currently unclear whether she will earn any royalties from the game’s sale, but it is likely given it is based on her original body of work.

If you would like to learn more about transgender rights or lend your support, we’d encourage you to check out the National Center for Transgender Equality in the US and Mermaids in the UK.