MW2 Throwback Audio Pack branded a huge “miss” for one simple reason

Infinity Ward is giving COD players a chance to get a nostalgia hit in Modern Warfare 2 with the Throwback Audio Pack. Although, there is a caveat to consider.

Modern Warfare 2 throwback audio pack

The glory days of the original Modern Warfare 2 are often cited as a high point for multiplayer games, whether you were a PlayStation or Xbox owner. Following the 2019 reboot, some elements from the beloved COD series are missing, but the new Throwback Audio Pack restores a bit of pure nostalgia. However, if you’re looking to shell out some COD points for the intriguing new Call of Duty store bundle, then you may want to consider one obstacle the pack contains.

According to Modern Warfare 2 developer Infinity Ward, the Throwback Audio Pack is “the ultimate taste of nostalgia” for COD fans and “will take you back to the O.G Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 with two weapon blueprints.” The blueprints, which are dubbed the “Good ‘Ol Days” assault rifle and “Lachmann Classic” SMG, come with replaced audio that emulates the gun sounds present in Modern Warfare 2 (2009). While that may please some fans, unfortunately, the weapon pack doesn’t add audio for any other weapons in the game’s arsenal.

That means if you’re using a mighty Modern Warfare 2 FJX Imperium loadout to replicate those Intervention sniper rifle memories, you won’t be getting the iconic bite of its gunshot sound anytime soon. The same approach applies to guns like the trusty M4 assault rifle, which has remained a versatile weapon in the COD pantheon, regardless of your playstyle.

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The missed opportunity to compliment the best Modern Warfare 2 guns isn’t lost on the Call of Duty community, with many players pointing out the easy win that Infinity Ward could have achieved. “They could’ve easily made bank on reintroducing a whole SUITE of OG sounds, like the Intervention (most iconic weapon in all of COD) [and we] can’t even get the sound,” says MW2 Redditor ‘yall_smoke_mid‘.

Fellow Redditor ‘KevlarZack‘ adds it is “insane how bad of a miss this is for Infinity Ward. [The] Intervention and MP5 exist in MW2 as well as [in] 2009. This should’ve affected every sound applicable. Semtexs, C4, killstreaks etc.” Others are concerned that this could set a precedent, similar to the ongoing Warzone 2 pay-to-win bundle trend, in which Infinity Ward continues to roll out paid audio packs with new operator skins. “One 20-dollar bundle at a time. Having 15 bundles with 2 guns each with og sounds,” posits ‘TheAArchduke’.

The Modern Warfare 2 Season 3 Reloaded release date is around the corner, so while you might skip buying this COD bundle, we recommend putting your focus on mastering the best Modern Warfare 2 Season 3 guns as you go forward into battle.