Apex Legends could help new ranked players with this useful feature

Apex Legends is one battle royale game with great in-game communication, but this feature would improve that and make a huge difference to new Ranked players.

Apex Legends smart times feature ranked: an image of Vantage looking confused

If there’s one thing Respawn Entertainment does well when it comes to Apex Legends, it’s in-game communication. The ping system felt revolutionary for a battle royale game when Apex Legends launched and it without a doubt helped players organise and share relevant in-game information without voice chat. However, there’s a level of complexity to Apex Legends that a ping system can’t convey and we think there’s a feature that could help new players jumping into Apex Legends’ ranked mode (and those of you solo-queueing) stay on top of communicating this information without the need for voice chat – or text chat, if you’re a console player.

If you’re sitting there wondering what this feature could be, this Reddit post from Apex Legends player ‘Shocker_103‘ offers up a very good example of it – although, we don’t really have a name for it. What we think Apex Legends needs is contextual tips – something akin to the Smart Loot system employed in the battle royale, but with suggestions relating to resource allocation and taking advantage of the unique abilities each legend has.

As you will be able to see below, an example of a pop-up that suggests a player with a high-rarity Knockdown Shield gives that to the Newcastle player in their squad to “increase the chance of a successful revival” is the sort of thing we’re talking about.

Albeit something players could very-well ignore, a system that makes these small suggestions – whether that’s related to checking a nearby Care Package drop or giving a Vantage squadmate a high-zoom optic attachment – could help players take advantage of the unique abilities on offer in Apex Legends.

Respawn please consider putting some sort of indicator to encourage players to give Newcastle a better knockdown shield. from apexlegends

It could also lead to fewer situations where a player who has a whole backpack of Shield Cells, for example, is running around with a squadmate without any. Essentially, it could help players who don’t want to take advantage of in-game voice chat or text chat to climb the Apex Legends ranks – where communication is key.

We’re not going to pretend like we know how Repsawn Entertainment would implement such a feature, but we’d like to think it’s possible. A series of reactive in-game tips would also help players take advantage of the new abilities that come with the rejuvinated Apex Legends classes. It’s certainly easy to forget that you can access Ring Data as Wattson nowadays.

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Apex Legends is, without a doubt, one of the best battle royale games avialable right now; however, it isn’t always the simplest. A smart tip system that offers advice unique to your situation in-game could be revolutionary when it comes to onboarding players and gearing up casual players for more intense competitive playlists. Keeping an eye on Apex Legends’ pick rates and our Apex Legends tier list is one thing, but this would be something so much more useful.