MW2 Season 5 debuts revamped version of underrated COD4 map

Call of Duty veterans need to boot up for Modern Warfare 2 Season 5 because a classic COD4 map is back with a new coat of paint and plenty of bullets too.

MW2 Season 5 strike map

You’ll still need to hang onto your dreams if you want Modern Warfare 2 to add maps like Terminal or Highrise. It isn’t all bad though, because we’d argue that the Modern Warfare 2 Season 5 release date is bringing us back to an equally brilliant map from where it all started for many Call of Duty fans. Tie up your boots and grab your best Modern Warfare 2 loadouts, we’re going back to Strike.

As you can see from 0:44 in the Modern Warfare Season 5 reveal trailer, it is all but confirmed that Strike will be a new map headed to the latest COD entry. Following the inclusion of Vacant, Shipment, Showdown, and Broadcast in 2019’s Modern Warfare and Warzone respectively, the franchise’s reverence for COD4 is still prominent to this day.

In a game will what could be considered the best array of COD launch maps ever, Strike is another excellent arena to do battle within.

While it has been nearly 16 years since COD4 was released into the world, it’ll be interesting to see how the redesigned maps fares with MW2’s updated movement and gunplay. Hopefully, it won’t come down to rose-tinted glasses and nostalgia.

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Like you, we’ve got some fond memories of getting nube-tubed to high heaven on Strike, whether it was in the courtyard or outside many of the shops scattered around the map. We’d recommend using this MW2 MX Guardian loadout to counteract pesky foes that are out to obliterate your K/D ratio.

Though Activision is yet to confirm the map is Strike, a birds-eye look at the map reveals the map’s recognizable streets. The image below from the trailer appears to reveal the Junkyward spawn, which leads into the Marketplace area. Taking a left down the road will then open up the Monument and Shops area.

MW2 Strike map

MW2 Strike COD4 Season 5

As we pivot toward to the Modern Warfare 3 release date, we can only imagine what maps from the franchise’s past will be given the same treatment. You don’t want to miss out on the next COD reveal either, do you? Be sure to check in with our Modern Warfare 3 reveal guide, as we’ve collated everything you need to know about what Sledgehammer Games is conjuring with the future of Call of Duty.