Evercore Heroes release date speculation, beta, story, gameplay

Find out all about the Evercore Heroes release date, the upcoming beta, the story behind the world, and what you can expect from its gameplay on PC.

Evercore Heroes Release Date: a character with a sword can be seen

When is the Evercore Heroes release date? Vela Games are creating a brand new competitive PvE experience that has its own spin on the classic MOBA format, with a focus on PvE rather than direct player-to-player conflict. But, when can you play it?

Below, you can find out everything you need to know about Evercore Heroes if you are new to MMOs, or looking for something fresh and exciting in the genre. Ever since the reveal of Evercore Heroes MMO players and League of Legends fans have been intrigued to see and hear more from the game.

Evercore Heroes release date speculation

The expected Evercore Heroes release is in 2024, with a closed beta period starting on Tuesday, June 20, 2023. You can get access to the closed beta by purchasing an Evercore Heroes Founder’s Pack.

The game is currently only set to come to PC right now and testing will be on PC only, but we would be surprised if this doesn’t end up on consoles eventually, although it might not be at the same time as the PC release.

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Evercore Heroes beta

The Evercore Heroes beta will take place on June 20, 2023. The beta will require people to jump in and buy the Evercore Heroes Founder’s Pack, which will grant some additional bonuses like a never-ending battle pass, additional keys for the game for your friend, and more.

All progress made during this beta will also carry over to the full free-to-play launch of the game.

Evercore Heroes story

Evercore Heroes’ backdrop is a world filled with unique heroes and monsters. In the MOBA, you defeat and capture objectives to level up your hero’s abilities as you play. The goal is to defend your Evercore from a wave of beasts and PvE enemies, focusing on the PvE experience rather than having you face other players, potentially laying the groundwork for better story modes as well.

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Evercore Heroes gameplay

As mentioned, Evercore Heroes is focused on the PvE gameplay, removing some of the more competitive, heated moments you would find in other MOBAs to be the first person to stop your Evercore from being destroyed.

In the game, you will get to play as one of several heroes: tank, damage, or support classes. You will protect various lanes and alleys from being overwhelmed with beasts, defending your Evercore in the process. You will power up by buying upgrades, enhancing your powers, or disrupting the other team.

You can get a pretty good breakdown of the gameplay and how it works, much like other MMOs below:

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There you have it, everything you need to know about the Evercore Heroes release date and how the game works. For even more competitive games to play while you wait to jump in, why not check out our list of the best competitive FPS games available right now?