Starfield release date, story, gameplay, and latest trailers

The Starfield release date might have suffered a brief setback with delays, but Bethesda has revealed when it intends to release its ambitious space RPG.

Starfield release date: A feminine character wearing a space suit, set against a blurred background of a planet. A calendar icon is tucked behind their shoulder on the left of the image.

When is the Starfield release date? After suffering some delays, it’s almost time to jump into Bethesda’s next epic RPG, which is its first new IP for over two decades. With all this buzz, here’s everything you need to know about the game ahead of the Starfield release date.

With some intriguing Starfield gameplay showcases and developer interviews over the last few months, the true scale and scope of the game has become evident. Taking place in a vast galaxy, Starfield will take the Bethesda formula and let it loose in outer space. That sounds like a great combination to us. Plenty of Starfield companions and Starfield characters will also be joining you on this journey, which promises countless hours of action and exploration. It’s got the potential to be one of the best RPGs of all time, but when will you be able to take off and begin your adventure?

Starfield release date

The Starfield release date is Wednesday, September 6, 2023, on Xbox Series X|S and PC. The RPG has already missed one release date and one release window, but this time it’s go for launch. The game will also come to Game Pass on day one.

Starfield preload begins on August 9, 2023, so if you do want to grab it, you can get one of the editions below:

This was first revealed in a launch date announcement trailer for the game. Further confirmation that the date won’t be shifting came during the June 2023 Xbox and Starfield showcase, which you can check out in full below.

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Starfield was originally billed to launch in November 2022 but was delayed to the first half of 2023. It also missed this release window and set a new date for September 6. Check out the full five-year history of the Starfield release date here, which documents all the announcements, delays, leaks, and rumors.

Starfield gameplay

It feels like we waited a lifetime to see Starfield in action, but, thanks to Todd Howard, we got our first glimpse of Starfield gameplay in the Xbox and Bethesda Showcase 2022.

It kicks off with a space explorer getting off their ship with VASCO the robot on a moon called Kreet and follows them as they take their first steps onto this sulfurous planet. We see not only some thrilling combat, but we also get a brief look at how exploration and research works – it was here that comparisons to Hello Games’ No Man’s Sky were first drawn, and all the information we’ve got after this moment only backs up that comparison.

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We also get a sneak peek at the zero gravity gameplay, which will give a unique feel to some of the planets you explore. We also see Fallout-esque mechanics like lockpicking and hacking.

Then, we’re transported to one of the biggest Starfield cities, New Atlantis, where we meet Constellation – a group of space explorers – for the first time. What follows is a sort of montage, with storylines of different factions, missions, and Starfield planets all coming into the fore.

The gameplay reveals also goes into detail about the Starfield character creator, which will allow you to change things like your biometric ID, your body, and your traits. Later down the line, a skill tree is revealed, along with an outpost creation system that’ll allow you to set up a “home away from home” run by NPCs you recruit along the way.

We also got our first look at the game’s ship editor, which will seemingly allow you to customize pretty much anything you like. These ships can be flown on your journeys to any of the “1,000 planets” in the game and used to battle enemies in Star Wars Squadrons-like dog fights.

Additionally, we have also got a ton of other gameplay information and story teasers. These include some anime Starfield trailers and a tease of the Starfield achievements. Fans have also delved into the trailers we have already seen and figured out what happened to Earth in Starfield, alongside stumbling upon a Starfield Skyrim easter egg.

Starfield trailers

In 2021, we got our first look at Bethesda’s new game via the Starfield teaser trailer, which you can watch below. This in-engine trailer doesn’t feature any gameplay, but it does give you a pretty good indication of the world in which we’ll be playing.

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It also features some voice lines by a member of the Constellation, urging you to discover the remnants of artefacts in the galaxy in order to answer that age-old question of ‘what else is out there?’

The most recent trailer was shown during the 2023 Xbox Showcase.

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These are the big talking points from all the latest Starfield reveals, but if we’re lucky we might hear more as we creep ever closer to the Starfield release date. If you’re too excited about going to space and need something to pass the time, you can always check out the best Xbox RPG games right now and the best games like Starfield. If you grab the game on Game Pass you can actually save money thanks to Starfield cross-progression with the game being a Play Anywhere title.

Looking for more info ahead of launch? While a good Starfield wiki can be a handy source of information, our new Starfield Database goes further, offering you daily news, searchable databanks, and even interactive tools.