Will there be ‘No Russian’ in Call of Duty MW3 2023?

Find out if Call of Duty MW3 will have No Russian or if the controversial mission will be left in the past after the backlash it caused in 2009.

Call of Duty MW3 No Russian: Makarov can be seen

Are you curious if Call of Duty MW3 No Russian will feature in this year’s game? The mission has long been considered one of the boldest missions Activision has ever included in a Call of Duty game due to the content and actions you get up to in it. But, with the rebooted series, will Sledgehammer Games opt to skip it completely or remake it with modern sensibilities?

With the Call of Duty MW3 release date fast approaching you will want to have an overview of if you need to prepare yourself for this mission or not. It is sure to end up on our list of the best FPS games and best multiplayer games when it comes out, but will the campaign hold up to the multiplayer?

Will there be ‘No Russian’ in Call of Duty MW3 2023?

We don’t know if No Russian will be in Call of Duty MW3 2023 yet as we haven’t seen any campaign details. The game will introduce Makarov to this rebooted series, which comes with the potential of the mission returning. However, due to the controversy surrounding the mission, Sledgehammer Games could cut it completely.

We will know more about the Call of Duty MW3 campaign as we get closer to the game’s release date and Sledgehammer Games start dishing out details. We should also hear about Call of Duty MW3’s zombies mode which has been rumored and the Call of Duty MW3 multiplayer.

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Why was No Russian controversial?

No Russian was controversial in Modern Warfare 2 (2009) because it puts you in the shoes of a terrorist mass shooter at a Russian airport, gunning down dozens of civilians. Although you aren’t forced to shoot anyone and can skip the level, it was the cause of a moral panic against games among parents and the public during 2009 and 2010.

The inclusion of ‘No Russian’ in the original Modern Warfare 2 divided critics and journalists and it caused the game to be censored in several countries including Japan and Germany. The game was even outright banned in Russia. You can see the full clip below from Modern Warfare 2’s remastered campaign.

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Overall though, No Russian has become the most infamous level in Call of Duty history, and in 2023 it likely wouldn’t cause as much controversy due to how mainstream gaming has become. But, we will have to wait and see if that is the case.

That is what we know about Call of Duty MW3 including the ‘No Russian’ mission. For even more on the game, be sure to check out all the Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 characters that are returning for this year’s campaign and how you can play the story early thanks to Call of Duty MW3 early access.