Call of Duty MW3 modes speculation

Keep up with the latest on the Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 modes in multiplayer for MW3 2023, with potentially returning favorites and new game modes to play.

Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 modes: A soldier wearing a black suit and gold face mask holding their weapon at the ready.

What are the Call of Duty MW3 modes? The Call of Duty series has long led the charge in terms of unique and exhilarating game modes. From the iconic thrills of Search and Destroy to the classic Team Deathmatch and Domination. Over the years, we’ve also seen several new modes that have become staples, such as Gun Game and Ground War. But what can we expect from Modern Warfare 3? Well, here’s everything we know about the MW3 modes in multiplayer.

Call of Duty MW3’s game modes could see even more new arrivals that would make it one of the best competitive FPS games once it debuts. With several new features and a slate of new weapons, maps, and possibly new modes, MW3 multiplayer might just be the best yet. So, mark the MW3 release date down on your calendars before checking out all the Modern Warfare 3 modes we could see.

Call of Duty MW3 modes speculation

The Call of Duty MW3 (2023) modes are expected to include:

  • Team Deathmatch
  • Deathmatch/Free-For-All
  • Domination
  • Hardpoint
  • Search and Destroy
  • Headquarters
  • Control
  • Gun Game
  • Ground War

These modes have appeared in nearly all modern COD games, including the previous entry, and Modern Warfare 3 should be no different. The MW3 maps rotation will likely depend on what mode you’re playing, similar to past games, where Ground War takes place on larger maps.

However, whether some of the new game modes introduced in more recent games will return is a much more interesting question. MW2 introduced several new game modes, such as Bounty, Prisoner Rescue, and Knock Out. Meanwhile, Modern Warfare (2019) introduced Cyber Attack among others. Since MW3 is a continuation of these titles, we’d expect them to make a return, though Activision is yet to confirm.

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With so many multiplayer game modes, it’s possible that some of the lesser-played modes will be removed to streamline the experience. Regardless, hopefully, we will see even more variety when it comes to the modes on offer, since MW1 (2019) and MW2 (2022) pushed the boat out when it comes to unique modes that changed up the gameplay.

If you’d like to find out more about each of the Call of Duty MW3 modes we expect to see in multiplayer, read below.

Call of Duty MW3 Team Deathmatch

Perhaps the most iconic and most popular mode of all, Team Deathmatch is a 6v6 game mode with the only objective being to defeat opponents to reach the score limit before the enemy. It’s incredibly simple but it’s hard to deny just how fun and intense this mode can get.

Call of Duty MW3 Deathmatch

Deathmatch, also known as Free-For-All is exactly what it says on the tin. It follows the same rules as Team Deathmatch but there are no teams, so players are all competing against each other with only one victor.

Call of Duty MW3 Domination

Another one of the most popular modes, Domination is Team Deathmatch with a twist. Two teams of six will have to fight for control of three zones across the map. One flag is placed in the middle of the map while the other two are placed near the main spawns. It’s an intense mode that rewards forward-thinking as players can control areas of the map and enemy spawns.

Call of Duty MW3 Hardpoint

In Hardpoint, two teams of six battle it out for control of a single rotating objective. The team who controls this point will earn a point every second until the point rotates to a new position. Having the objective move around the map keeps players on their toes and certainly makes for some chaotic moments.

Call of Duty MW3 Search and Destroy

While not being the most played mode, Search and Destroy is certainly a series staple. In this 6v6 mode, players only have one life and must work together to attack or defend objectives. Teams can either win by defeating the enemy or by completing the objective. If you’re a fan of intense action found in the likes of Rainbow Six Siege or Counter-Strike, then Search and Destroy is the mode for you.

Call of Duty MW3 Gun Game

In Gun Game, players progress through the full weapon arsenal by defeating enemies. Starting with a basic pistol, each kill sees you upgraded to the next weapon until one player earns a kill with every single weapon.

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Call of Duty MW3 Ground War

Ground War is a large-scale 32v32 mode introduced in Modern Warfare (2019) and brought back in MW2, which we’re likely to see return in MW3. Effectively, Ground War is Domination but on a much larger scale, with bigger teams fighting on large maps with more zones to capture and control. Ground War is also a unique mode because it frequently features vehicles, such as tanks, jeeps, and helicopters.

While it would be highly surprising if these modes did not return in Modern Warfare 3, they could have their rules changed or updated depending on what other new systems are being added. However, the likely similarities between MW2 and MW3 make these game modes a safe bet.

Well, that covers all the Call of Duty MW3 modes expected to feature in multiplayer. Alongside the standard multiplayer aspect of the game, there are also rumors of MW3 Spec Ops, as well as a campaign, and possibly even a Zombies mode. With so much variety on offer, chances are, Modern Warfare 3 will be among the best FPS games once it is released.