League of Legends Milio hotfix nerf issued as day one win rate soars

It's barely been a day and there's already a League of Legends Milio hotfix nerf, with The Gentle Flame not so gently dominating his competition on the Rift.

League of Legends Milio hotfix nerf: Milio

The latest champion to grace League of Legends, Milio, has already showcased his chops on Summoner’s Rift. In response to The Gentle Flame over performing expectations on release day, developer Riot Games has taken a fire hose to his numbers with a LoL Milio hotfix nerf.

As shared over on the LoL Dev Team Twitter account, “some mid-patch adjustments that will bring Milio’s power down a notch” have been shipped as part of the mid-patch update. Alongside the nerf to the Ixtali enchanter, the team says that it’s “also working on resolving a few issues regarding rare instances where Milio and Illaoi can sometimes cause games to crash.”

Milio currently boasts a 51.33% win rate in Platinum+, according to U.GG. While this doesn’t seem like anything massively overpowered, the fact remains that players haven’t even had time to really master the champion yet. As such, Riot clearly feels nipping things in the bud now before they have a chance to spiral is the correct play.

Here are the LoL Milio hotfix nerf changes:

  • (P) Fired Up!
    • AD Scaling: 15-50% > 15-35%
  • (W) Cozy Campfire
    • Healing: 80/110/140/170/200 > 70/90/110/130/150
  • (E) Warm Hugs
    • Shields: 60/90/120/150/180 (+30% AP) > 60/80/100/120/140 (+25% AP)
    • Cooldown: 17/16/15/14/13 > 18/17/16/15/14
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Needless to say, the nerfs themselves are pretty major, so it’ll be interesting to see how much LoL ranks play the champ will get in the aftermath. With that being said, we’re sure plenty of players will remain eager to pilot League’s newest character.