Destiny 2 Lightfall walkthrough, guides, more

Get a full breakdown of the newsest expansion with our Destiny 2 Lightfall walkthrough which covers everything from gear, Neomuna, to missions and activities.

Destiny 2 Lightfall Walkthrough: Multiple guardians, Callus, The Witness, Osiris, and Nimbus can be seen in the art

Are you looking for a detailed Destiny 2 Lightfall walkthrough? Do we have the article for you? Here you can find a full detailed guide to everything you need to know about the new expansion and the new gameplay systems and story revelations introduced.

Below, you can find a full breakdown of the length of the campaign, collectibles and side activities, the new Raid, new gear, and so much more in Destiny 2‘s new expansion. Each link below in this article from our time playing for our Destiny 2 Lightfall review will take you to a different article with a full set of tips, or a rundown of what you need to know on the topic.

Destiny 2 Lightfall walkthrough

Our full Destiny 2 Lightfall walkthrough is:

That is everything in our Destiny 2 Lightfall walkthrough! As you can see, this is a big expansion with huge ramifications for not only the gameplay of Destiny 2 but also the lore and story. So, if you are looking to jump in, keep an eye out for our Destiny 2 Lightfall review.