Apex Legends’ first real single-player mission is available very soon

If you're looking for more from Apex Legends, Respawn Entertainment is finally delivering that with its first single-player mission on PS5, Xbox, and PC.

Apex Legends Kill Code single player mission: an image of Loba in a raincoat

Respawn Entertainment’s next major Apex Legends update is on the horizon and it really is an exciting time to be a fan of what is one of the best competitive FPS games out there right now. Respawn kicked off its Revenant rework teasers with a stunning short earlier in the week, but now you’re going to be able to play a brand new Apex Legends single-player mission before your next battle royale game. This is certainly the closest thing to a campaign mission we’ve seen so far, anyway. If you have been keeping on top of all the leaks, you may already know what this mission is about. However, if not, you’re about to find out; there really isn’t long to wait to jump into it.

As explained in this Apex Legends blog post on the upcoming Neon Network Collection Event, players will be able to “become the wolf and enter [Loba’s] story [themselves] as [they] breach a facility that may have started the interruption to her childhood”. That interruption is, of course, Revenant, and this is just the latest teaser in a long-line of hints that a Revenant rework is on the way in Season 18. These Revenant Rework leaks express an altered kit that’s going to make him even more ruthless and it sounds like that will be reflected through his in-game interactions and lore appearances going forward.

Respawn Entertainment is describing this as an “interactive introduction” to the “battle royale with a twist” that’s coming in the Neon Network Collection Event from July 21 until August 8. You can check out the event trailer yourself below, if you want a more visual representation of what’s coming.

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What is that “twist”, though? Well, that will be the Node Tracker battle royale takeover event. In this event, all non-Ranked battle royale games will see players able to use a Node Tracker to detect and locate “optimal locations to connect, and hack into” to get their hands on loot and Compute Nodes. These Compute Nodes will be used as currency to purchase event cosmetics in the Event Shop. So, it’s well worth your time.

If you want to catch up on all the lore relating to this single-player mission, you can watch part one of the Kill Code short down below. From what we can tell, this interactive experience occurs after the events shown.

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Is Apex Legends the best battle royale game out there? Well, we think it’s certainly a contender and this latest update ahead of the Apex Legends Season 18 release date seems to reinforce that. Not only does it introduce the FPS’ first real single-player experience, beyond the Firing Range of course and bot lobbies, but it also introduces a new way of earning event cosmetics that we could see carried forward – and that’s far from a bad thing.

If you want to make sure you’re on the top of your game going into the strange Node Tracker battle royale takeover event, though, you can find out who’s on top by checking out Apex Legends tier list right here. It is worth remembering, though, that you’re going to find climbing Apex Legends’ ranks even harder in Season 18. So, it might be worth jumping into Apex Legends’ Ranked mode now ahead of that update.