Warzone ISO 45 loadout best attachments and class setup

Find out what the best Warzone ISO 45 loadout is and the top attachments and class setup which will help you win matches in the battle royale.

Warzone ISO 45 Loadout: The ISO 45 can be seen

Introduced in Season 4, the ISO 45 is one of the best additions to the Warzone arsenal of 2023 so far, bringing with it a high rate of fire and intense damage. But, what should you run on it to make the best Warzone ISO 45 loadout that takes advantage of its power and mobility? This guide answers that for you with a solid class setup and some great attachments for the SMG.

The ISO 45 definitely has a chance to make it into our best Warzone guns and weapons list, and cement itself in the current Warzone meta which pairs a long-range option with a close-range shotgun or SMG. With Warzone now emerging from a series of updates that reverted the game back to how it used to be, one of the best battle royale games around has seen a bit of a resurgence. So, if you are jumping back in, the ISO 45 is a good place to pick up as it is a solid all-around choice.

Warzone ISO 45 loadout

The best Warzone ISO 45 loadout is:

  • Muzzle: Spiral V3.5 Flash Hider – -0.68, +0.27
  • Laser: VLK LZR 7MW – -0.19, -27.97
  • Barrel: 7″ Ex Raptor-V2 – -0.21, +0.22
  • Rear Grip: EXP Shear – -0.52, -0.26
  • Magazine: 45-Round Drum

The core of this build comes courtesy of, ‘EyeQew’, though we’ve made one small modification to really maximise the run-and-gun potential of this weapon.

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To kick things off, treat yourself to a Spiral V3.5 Flash Hider to help keep this fast-firing beast under control. Whereas EyeQew recommends .45 Auto Hollowpoint ammo, we’d instead opt for the 7″ EX Raptor-V2 barrel to further bolster recoil control, and boost effective damage range through tuning.

Follow that up with the VLK LZR 7MW, which buffs ADS speed – something the Raptor barrel also improves – aiming stability, and sprint to fire speed, and you’ve got a lightning-fast triple jab at the front end of the SMG.

Continuing with the mantra that ‘speed = big Ws’, the EXP Shear rear grip will make you both move faster and aim down sights quicker, while improving the overall handling of the gun. Finally, for the magazine option, choose the 45-Round Drum to boost the ISO’s magazine size so you can take out more enemies before needing to reload.

As with most SMGs, you won’t need to run an Optic should you utilize it as a secondary. If you can’t see yourself loading in without a sight, then we would recommend the Cronen Mini Red Dot which can be found across our many loadouts, and it works just as well here. Simply swap out the laser for the optic if you do take this route.

Best Warzone ISO 45 class setup

With your class setup, you want to offset some of the core weaknesses of the ISO 45. This can initially be done by equipping Overkill in your perk slot and choosing either the MCPR-300 or the Cronen Squall which are some of the best weapons in the game right now. Our Warzone best Cronen Squall loadout and Warzone best MCPR-300 loadout offer some great attachment set-ups to make the most of them. Either will allow you to fight at longer ranges and ensures you don’t run into the issue of being unable to fight at any distance beyond medium range.

When it comes to the other perks in your class, choose Double Time to enhance your movement even more and Fast Hands. Fast Hands will help offset the long reload of the 45 Round Drum. Finally, select Overclock to round out the package of perks.

Then, when it comes to equipment, opt for the old reliable choices of Drill Charges and Stun Grenades. Nothing quite beats them in the battle royale and the ability to rush into a room with enemies already disorientated or caught off guard is invaluable when using an SMG.

That covers the best Warzone 2 ISO 45 loadout in the game right now. This weapon and setup have a good chance to make it into our list of the best Warzone loadouts as the season goes on. So, be sure to keep an eye out for any shakeups in the top-used weapons in one of the best competitive FPS games out there right now. Good luck out there.