How to get guns in Dead Island 2

Find out how you can get these ranged weapons in Dead Island 2 and how often they will drop as you explore the later game areas and maps.

Dead Island 2 Guns: A pistol can be seen

You can get guns in Dead Island 2 as soon as you complete the Justifiable Zombicide story mission, which is about 40-45% of the way through the game. We found this in our Dead Island 2 review and from this mission onwards guns will start spawning in the world, alongside melee weapons.

Despite what you may originally think, there are quite a lot of different ranged weapons in Dead Island 2. Nailguns, pistols, SMGs, shotguns, and rifles can all be found and are quite useful. They are better for taking out zombies in larger numbers and in bigger groups of more varied Dead Island 2 zombies, which you will find later in the game.

Ranged weapons aren’t as situation-specific as you can find ins some of the other best zombie games, especially Dying Light 2 where melee weapons rule.

During this mission, you will actually get yourself a legendary weapon. This is Big Shot and it comes with an intense and enticing set of perks and mods. The most enticing of these is the Superior Ranged Impactor Mod. This gives you a major physical damage and force boost. You can also traumatise zombies, sending them flying.

Then on the perk end, Boomstick, Russian Roulette, Speedloader, and Do Or Die, all make it a powerhouse that is incredibly scary for any zombie daring to go up against it. As a first ranged weapon it isn’t bad!

Dead island 2 Guns: The Big Shot weapon can be seen

Now that you know how to get guns in Dead Island 2, you can begin exploring the later game missions and challenges. You can find tips to help you out in our Dead Island 2 walkthrough. But, if you are looking for more, you can also find an overview of where to find fuses in Dead Island 2, a core item.