Where is the Dead Island 2 Goat Pen Keycard?

Find out where you can get this keycard in Bel-Air so you can continue on the main path and the story, slaying zombies on the way.

Dead Island 2 Goat Pen keycard: A person can be seen with a katana

One of the first puzzles you will come across and roadblocks in Dead Island 2 will be in the Goat Pen Mansion. This keycard is a real pain to find if you don’t happen to find a way into the mansion by keeping an eye on the environment.

But, to help you out, we will go through how you can get in, find, and pick up that keycard in Dead Island 2, which we found during our Dead Island 2 review. Once you know where to look, you can open up more doors and grab additional loot.

Where is the Dead Island 2 Goat Pen Keycard?

The Dead Island 2 Goat Pen Keycard is in Bel-Air, within the broadcast room on the first floor of the Goat Pen Mansion. This mansion is located in the south of the region and you can enter it via the roof and crashing through the skylights.

Dead Island 2 Goat Pen keycard: The map showing the keycard can be seen

When in the broadcasting room, you can look on the desk with the computers and recording equipment to see the glowing keycard, which is needed to open some of the doors in this mansion. This is the first of many keys you will need to find in the main story and otherwise. It is also pretty easy to find if you are exploring the mansion.

Dead Island 2 Goat Pen keycard: The keycard can be seen

This is just one of a number of Dead Island 2 keys scattered around Hell-A, so you will need to find them all to get some sweet items and complete quests. You can find more guides and an overview of the game and other tips in our Dead Island 2 walkthrough.