Hogwarts Legacy Gladrags Wizardwear, store location

Fill up your wardrobe by visiting the Hogwarts Legacy Gladrags Wizardwear store location for the latest in nineteenth century wizarding apparel.

Hogwarts Legacy Gladrags Wizardwear store location: The customisable player character standing in front on Gladrags Wizardwear in Hogsmeade.

Augustus Hill’s classy Gladrags Wizardwear clothing shop has everything you need to style your witch or wizard with the latest in nineteenth century magic attire. Therefore, you’ll want to know everything there is about the Hogwarts Legacy Gladrags Wizardwear shop, including where to find the store location in Hogsmeade and what Gladrags sells.

Not long into Hogwarts Legacy you’ll enter the Gladrags Wizardwear shop to speak to the owner, Augustus Hill, to receive a free reward for your help during the Welcome to Hogsmeade main quest. You may not know where to find it again though, or what the shop can offer you throughout your playthrough. Take a look at our Hogwarts Legacy map guide for an overview of the whole wizarding world at your fingertips. This guide is based on our time playing for our Hogwarts Legacy review on PS5.

What is in the Hogwarts Legacy Gladrags Wizardwear store?

Gladrags Wizardwear in Hogwarts Legacy is a clothing shop that sells a variety of outfits and accessories for your player character.

They sell everything from hats and glasses to robes and outfits, so you can dress your character however you want. Additionally, these items can come in all gear quality levels so you might be able to nab a higher stat gear piece than something you already own.

It’s worth remembering that any gear item you get will also be added to the Hogwarts Legacy transmog system, so if there’s a style you like it can be worth picking it up even if the stats are worse.

As with any vendor in Hogwarts Legacy, you can also sell any unwanted gear to get Hogwarts Legacy gold in return, which you can use to buy gear you want.

Hogwarts Legacy Gladrags Wizardwear store location

The Hogwarts Legacy Gladrags Wizardwear store location can be found near the centre of Hogsmeade to the north east, next to the town square area.

The location of Gladrags Wizardwear clothing store can be seen on the map below, identified by the top hat icon:

Hogwarts Legacy Gladrags Wizardwear store location: A map showing the location of Gladrags Wizardwear clothing store in Hogsmeade.

Now you know all there is to know about the Hogwarts Legacy Gladrags Wizardwear store location and vendor options, you can customise your character until your heart’s content. For more on Hogwarts Legacy, check out our Hogwarts Legacy walkthrough for guides, tips and tricks to excel in your first year at Hogwarts.

Hogwarts Legacy has drawn considerable criticism during its development, largely due to the fact that the creator of the Harry Potter series, J.K. Rowling, has made a number of transphobic remarks on social media in recent years.

While Avalanche has confirmed that J.K. Rowling is not “directly involved” in the development of Hogwarts Legacy, it is working with “her team” and Portkey Games, a Warner Bros. label dedicated to launching new experiences inspired by J.K. Rowling’s original stories. It is currently unclear whether she will earn any royalties from the game’s sale, but it is likely given it is based on her original body of work.

If you would like to learn more about transgender rights or lend your support, we’d encourage you to check out the National Center for Transgender Equality in the US and Mermaids in the UK.