Is Meet Your Maker on Game Pass?

Building and raiding in Behaviour Interactive’s latest game is a lot of fun, but doing it as part of your ongoing monthly subscription makes it a lot better.

Is Meet Your Maker on Game Pass: Player character building via hologram in Meet Your Maker

Something about raiding other players’ bases, testing out their defences and seeing how to make your own base stronger is very exciting. That being said, being able to play the game without paying the upfront cost is even better.

As the Meet Your Maker release date is here knowing where and when you can play is key. We’re hoping to play the latest first-person shooter from Behaviour Interactive too, and if it is part of the Xbox subscription service, even more players will be building bases as they can get in on the action in Meet Your Maker without putting money down.

Is Meet Your Maker on Game Pass?

Unfortunately, Meet Your Maker isn’t on Game Pass at launch. The only way Xbox players can play is by buying the game. However, the game will be on PlayStation Plus as part of the PS Plus April 2023 games at launch.

That doesn’t mean that the game won’t be added to the growing list of all Game Pass games. However, it is likely that PlayStation made a deal to have Meet Your Maker as a PS Plus title which means the game won’t be on Game Pass for a little while.

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Since Meet Your Maker puts a lot of focus on multiplayer, including some level of Meet Your Maker crossplay support for player bases on other platforms, it also depends on how successful the game is. If it sells extremely well, we might not see it on Game Pass for quite some time.

That’s all of the information we know about Meet Your Maker on Game Pass for now. If you’re looking for a new game to play as part of your subscription, check out the best Xbox Game Pass games right now.