Fort Solis cast and voice actors

Take a look at the Fort Solis cast and voice actors to see who is starring in this new single-player thriller set on Mars coming to PS5 and PC.

Fort Solis cast: Troy Baker as Wyatt Taylor in Fort Solis art

With such a focus on being a cinematic experience, the faces and voices of Fort Solis are the most important aspect. Fortunately, before your trip to Mars this year, take a look at the star-studded Fort Solis cast and voice actors who you’ll be meeting soon.

The Fort Solis release date is approaching, and the title is aiming to be a great game “for the Netflix generation”, according to the game’s director in our Fort Solis interview. Will it be one of the best PS5 space games when it launches? Hopefully so, but there’s at least a great set of voices lending their talents to the story.

Fort Solis cast and voice actors

The Fort Solis cast and voice actors list is as follows:

  • Roger Clark – Jack Leary
  • Troy Baker – Wyatt Taylor
  • Julia Brown – Jessica Appleton

As more characters are showcased, we’ll be updating the cast list with any additional voice actors found in the game. However, considering the Fort Solis length is fairly short, we wouldn’t expect too many more characters during the runtime.

You can find out details about the voice actors and their characters below, including what other games, films, or TV series you may have seen them in before.

Fort Solis cast: Jack Leary, played by Roger Clark, in a space suit in Fort Solis

Roger Clark – Jack Leary

Roger Clark is leading the story as Jack Leary, who arrives at the desolate Fort Solis after a strange distress call is sent out from it. Roger Clark is most famous for his role as the protagonist of Red Dead Redemption 2, Arthur Morgan. However, he has also appeared in numerous smaller projects.

Fort Solis Cast: Wyatt Taylor, played by Troy Baker, during video log in Fort Solis

Troy Baker – Wyatt Taylor

If you’ve ever played a game before, it’s very likely you’ve heard or played as Troy Baker. In Fort Solis, Baker plays Wyatt Taylor, a doctor who is concerned about the events at Fort Solis, but he’s a very complex character, offering a different perspective of what has happened to the base.

Troy Baker played Joel in The Last of Us series, Booker DeWitt in Bioshock Infinite, Jason Todd in Arkham Knight, Samuel Drake in Uncharted 4, and, well, he’s been in pretty much any game you’ve ever played. There’s a good reason for that.

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Julia Brown – Jessica Appleton

Julia Brown finishes up the current cast list as Jessica Appleton, who is Jack’s much younger and arguably smarter companion throughout the game. Julia Brown can be seen in a few popular TV shows, including The Last Kingdom and The Alienist, but Fort Solis marks her videogame debut.

That finishes off the Fort Solis cast and voice actors list. It’s certainly going to be an interesting game, one that could be a different entry into our best PS5 horror games list, but will it land on our best PS5 games list when it arrives? One can only hope.