All Armored Core 6 bosses

Get an overview of the confirmed Armored Core 6 bosses that you are able to take on as you explore the vast world of Rubicon on PS5, PS4, Xbox, and PC.

Armored Core 6 Bosses: A mech can be seen

FromSoftware games have made a name for themselves in recent years and one of the reasons is the memorable and challenging enemies. Keeping this tradition and adapting what has been learned so far, defeating the Armored Core 6 bosses requires the right strategy – and mech! – to be overcome.

In Armored Core 6, which is coming to PS5, PS4, Xbox, and PC, players explore a post-apocalyptic world, where massive structures of metal are as part of the landscape as the arid soil. By piloting their mechs called Armored Core, players go through flashy battles that require using the Armored Core 6 Assembly system to adapt their mech in the best way possible to respond to the different types of enemies found in the game. And, at the heart of combat are the various bosses.

Armored Core 6 bosses list

The list of Armored Core 6 bosses is as follows:

  • Four Legged Mech
  • Mech With Shredders
  • AH12 HC Helicopter
  • ENTANGLE Sulla
  • AAP07 Balteus
  • EB-0309 STRIDER
  • Mech Tank

While there haven’t been many bosses shown so far in the gameplay footage of the game, there is enough information to know more about their design and some of the main details regarding these enemies players need to be aware of.

Armored Core 6 Bosses: A four legged mech can be seen

Four Legged Mech

Based on what it’s possible to see of this enemy, this Four-Legged Mech seems like a small version of the deadly tank one can see in the famous cyberpunk animation Ghost in The Shell. This mech is like a miniboss players need to defeat in the middle of their mission to progress.

In terms of specs, this mech is prepared for melee and long-range combat, even against flying enemies. It has an energy blade at its right arm for fast close-range combat, going from one to two consecutive attacks. Besides that, this mech also has a weapon that it uses whenever players get far from it or start flying around. And although this enemy is quite fast when it comes to moving and repositioning, a build focused on speed seems the best way to win this battle.

Armored Core 6 Bosses: A boss can be seen

Mech with Shredders

This giant furnace robot with massive shredders at the end of its arms is a real threat players need to face off. First of all, the battle happens in a large arena due to how big the enemy is. Moving on a circular base with a furnace on its back, this mech basically uses its long arms to attack players and try to smash them with its heated shredders. To do so, it can go for a piercing attack trying to trap players between its long arms or a sequence of two attacks that reach pretty far, serving as a gap closer as well.

Because it has only a set of boosters at its back, the boss is fast to advance toward the player but kind of slow to reposition itself. In case players try to escape its thrusts by going around it to its back, the mech throws balls that seem to be made of heated metal. Fortunately, for players, it has some weak spots from where it seems they take more damage. On the other hand, this is a deadly enemy, taking only two hits to completely destroy an armored core.

Armored Core 6 bosses: AH12 HC Helicopter boss fight in Armored Core 6 preview

AH12 HC Helicopter

A large helicopter mech that has plenty of guns to match its size, it flies across the area, firing plenty of gatling guns at you alongside some nasty rockets. The AH12 HC Helicopter seems to be a boss that will teach you how to handle yourself when flying against a tough enemy, with its sheer size being its biggest weakness, meaning it needs to constantly realign to focus on your mech.


ENTANGLE Sulla is a rival Armored Core that you’ll face during your playthrough. Similar to your mech, it can slide and glide along the arena at fast speeds, with a nimble and agile build. However, with some well-timed shots and (hopefully) some explosive weapons, you should take out this rival fairly easily.

AAP07 Balteus

One of the final bosses of a stage in Armored Core 6, the AAP07 Balteus boss can have hundreds (maybe exaggerating, but it’s definitely a lot) of missile launchers encircling its body, which fire out all at one time. Fortunately, this boss seems to be less agile than others, meaning you can deal plenty of damage in quick succession.

That being said, the boss also contains an EMP attack, which obviously isn’t good for our (electronically powered) mech, meaning you’ll be stunned if you get too close and don’t dash away.


A large mining rig that has been weaponized, the EB-0309 Strider is a huge mech that resembles an AT-AT from the Star Wars series. The main goal of this boss fight is to take out the weaknesses in its legs to cause it to stumble, and to take out the sub-generators around it to power down the shields.

Mech Tank

As seen at the end of the gameplay preview, this Mech Tank makes up for its lack of flying abilities to have some fast ground dashes as well as plenty of high-firepower guns. Fortunately, this boss fight seems to offer you an additional mech to have by your side, meaning you won’t be facing it alone.

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Considering how impactful the last titles released by FromSoftware have been, there is a lot of speculation and curiosity regarding how the team behind the game is designing boss battles. Masaru Yamamura, the game director, has shared in an interview with IGN that boss fights are the highlights of the game.

Some people wonder how much of his experience with Sekiro, a project where he was lead designer, would serve as an influence for Armored Core 6. The director said that, although enemies are very aggressive, their move sets can be learned in order for players to foresee their actions, and the presence of a stagger mechanic like the one seen in Sekiro, Armored Core 6 hasn’t abandoned the series focus on finding the right parts to take on enemies.

Now, when it comes to specific details regarding the boss fights, we know that the game is keeping the series’ mission-based structure, so we can imply that each of them might put players to face off against one to two bosses at least.

The fights have been designed to encourage aggressiveness from players as well because of the stagger system. By creating pressure, players can break the boss’ posture, giving them a window to land critical hits. The process of learning a boss pattern of attacks is less punitive in the game since, before each boss, there is a checkpoint, allowing players to try different builds or strategies.

And that’s all we got about Armored Core 6 bosses. The moment to know what this game has in store for us is close, but until it is officially out, you might want to take a look at our guide on every Armored Core game you need to play before Armored Core 6 drops, as well as how Armored Core 6 multiplayer works.